Yoga is all about improving one’s strength and balance. And it does so in a manner that is extremely effective to a BJJ practitioner. Yoga forces anyone doing it to slowly focus on solitary muscle groups, synchronizing the mind and body together. The results you get out of it are just amazing! You learn extremely refined movement control, backed by vastly improved strength, balance, and mental focus that you cannot attain with most other training methods.
Featured Programs
This class is designed to promote healthy joint function, injury rehabilitation and healing, and increase flexibility. We will be utilizing yoga, Pilates, and personal training concepts to promote long-lasting effects. All levels are welcome.
Yoga is all about improving one’s strength and balance. And it does so in a manner that is extremely effective to a BJJ practitioner. Yoga forces anyone doing it to slowly focus on solitary muscle groups, synchronizing the mind and body together. The results you get out of it are just amazing! You learn extremely refined movement control, backed by vastly improved strength, balance, and mental focus that you cannot attain with most other training methods.
Increased Flexibility
It goes without saying that flexibility is increasingly important for your BJJ! You can certainly be a good BJJ practitioner without the best flexibility, but you probably will have a hard time reaching the upper class of the art. The very best BJJ experts in the world are as flexible as they are strong.
Yoga can greatly help in this regard, as many of the postures and poses push your flexibility to the limit. By holding some of these difficult yoga poses, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons stretch ever so slowly. The more you do it, the more your body gets accustomed to it, allowing you to approach these same poses later with a slightly improved flexibility.
Better Breath Control
Breath control is an extremely important aspect for both yoga and Martials Arts. Both disciplines require a tremendous amount of muscle control and breath control.
With breath work being a fundamental aspect of yoga, it can help to vastly improve a Martial Arts practitioner’s breathing techniques. While training to get better at this usually only takes a couple of weeks, it will take a long-term commitment to breath work training to see lasting results and huge improvements.
Join this class and enjoy the benefits of these simple breathing exercises which will guide you forward to the “Full Ikigai experience “!
MONDAY- SATURDAY : 08H00 – 22H00